Journalist, musician, producer, writer, tall Chicago girl

Sarah Devin Kaufman

(Musician under the name Gussie B)

Pronouns: she/her


Hi, friend! Here’s a bit about me…

I am an Emmy-winning reporter, working most recently at NBC News, where I verified user-generated content (UGC) for NBC News visual investigations and news programs such as On Assignment With Richard Engel, The Rachel Maddow Show, TODAY, News Now, and Nightly News With Lester Holt.

Fluent in Russian and intermediate in Ukrainian and Spanish, I utilize my language skills to find unconventional sources and report exclusive breaking news.

I worked as a Reporter in New York for seven years and moved to Los Angeles to be the West Coast Reporter for the NBC News Social Newsgathering team in January 2020. I miss New York immensely, but there is no replacement for the sunshine therapy of Los Angeles.

I received my Master’s in Journalism from Medill at Northwestern University ‘13 and my Bachelor’s in Russian from Bryn Mawr College ‘10. Anassa Kata!

I am a deep believer in independent journalism, and I am an expert in the fact checking and verification space. I specialize in misinformation and the Eastern European media ecosystem.

In my free time, I hike with my dog, Sadie, and write music. Passions include songwriting, old vines, thrift shopping, and historic Weird Twitter. Heroes include Nikole Hannah-Jones, Joni Mitchell, Vladimir Nabokov, and dril.


 Gussie B Music

In November of 2023, I began writing music. I’ve written dozens of songs since then. Some are piano compositions, and many are with piano and vocals. I am in the process of recording and self-producing several songs right now, but for the time being, I’ve posted some demos I’ve made in Logic of a few of my piano compositions.

I am a classically-trained pianist, indie-style vocalist, and my production style is influenced by artists such as Billie Eilish, James Blake, and Rosalía. I am open to collaborations and creating demos for projects such as film and television scores, advertisements, and any other art that is inspiring you.

If you’d like to collab, email me at

This piece was inspired by Tchaikovsky's Valse Sentimentale.

I wrote this piece when I was frustrated with someone who I considered to be self-involved!

I feel like this piece came from the shadows.


NBC News Features


One year without Roe: Data shows how abortion access has changed in America

June 2023: I collaborated with NBC News’ Digital Data Reporting team for an investigative dive into the impact of the removal of Roe v. Wade on women’s health nationwide.

Ukraine accuses Russia of blowing up a major dam; Kremlin blames Kyiv

June 2023: I verified UGC of the Russian-controlled Kakhovka dam breach in the Kherson region of Ukraine by using Yandex Maps to geolocate the video and cross referencing other open source information.

See my verification case here.

TikTok users are demanding that their favorite musicians release sped-up songs

April 2023: I pitched and wrote a breaking piece for the Culture desk on NBC News Digital about the trend of sped-up songs pervasive on TikTok.

Some stories I have covered at Dataminr to alert news publications and aid them in reporting quickly efficiently

From 2016-2019, I worked as an open source researcher at Dataminr, where I alerted journalistic clients to international and domestic breaking news via social media mining. While at Dataminr, I conducted research projects on sourcing in Eastern European media. I learned Russian in college and studied abroad in St. Petersburg in 2009 and 2011, so I used my Russian to dig deep into the Russian media landscape, especially as it related to Ukraine and Belarus. I also took Ukrainian courses as part of professional development, which made it easier for me to verify breaking news events in Ukraine. That specialty followed me to NBC News, where I now offer my expertise to other teams reporting on the war in Ukraine.

Here are some breaking news events I uncovered via social media mining while at Dataminr and alerted to nearly all major news outlets.

Riots in Georgia, June 2019

When anti-government protesters began to break through the parliament building in Tbilisi, I alerted clients at least 10 minutes before major news networks.

Russian “Losharik” Submersible

When one Russian source began to speculate a submarine fire occurred on one of Russia’s top secret spy vessels, I alerted clients an hour ahead of major news networks.


Zakharchenko’s Assassination

When Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, was killed by a bomb in Separ cafe in Donetsk, I alerted clients 30 minutes before major news networks.

War in Donbass

For two and a half years, I have covered the fighting in Eastern Ukraine and consistently provide clients with sources and media on the ground, as well as with the latest casualty numbers from each side.


Communities Speak Up

At Patch, I was an entry-level reporter writing quick hits (at least seven of them per day). But I also managed to do some hard-hitting reporting in my spare time. Below are some clips. Here are the rest of the articles I wrote at Patch.

Photo by Sarah Kaufman

Photo by Sarah Kaufman

100s of Lower East Siders Stranded Without Gas for 40 Days — and Counting

The weeks-long gas blackout at 131 Broome St. has created an all-out health crisis in the building, tenants and advocates say.

LOWER EAST SIDE, NY — Jacqueline Mitchell, a middle-aged resident of 131 Broome St. on the Lower East Side, hasn't had gas for her stove for 40 days. Her blood pressure is through the roof, she says, and her right foot sometimes swells so painfully that she can't leave her house. When the weather is cold, going outside only makes her foot worse…

Photo by Sarah Kaufman

Photo by Sarah Kaufman

Brownsville Envisions a New Betsy Head Park: Sports Fields, Benches, Scoreboards and More

Betsy Head Park is getting a $30 million makeover. Here, Brownsville neighbors tell NYC Parks officials what they want to do with the money.

BROWNSVILLE, BROOKLYN — Chris Legree has been waiting 60 years to see his beloved Betsy Head Park get a much-needed makeover. As a community activist and sports coach to hundreds of children and young adults who grew up in Brownsville, Legree wants his park to impress the whole country. And he's sure it will.

"For me this isn't just a park, this is a historical moment," Legree said…

Photo via LivingLots NYC

Photo via LivingLots NYC

City Urges Brownsville to Eat Fresh Produce, Then Kills Its Community Farm

The city's housing preservation department says it needs the farm's property to build affordable housing.

BROWNSVILLE, BROOKLYN — A Brownsville community farm and garden that's been feeding thousands of underserved residents fresh produce every week for decades is battling with the city for its life.

The Green Valley Community Garden, at 93 New Lots Ave., is in imminent danger of being wiped out and replaced with a new affordable housing development by the city's Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD)…